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Neptune-C (IMX178)

Player One Astronomy

Player One - Neptune-C (IMX178) USB3.0 fargekamera

3 252,68kr
Midlertidig tomt på lager
Antatt leveringstid 3-10 dager

Neptune-serien er en 1/2-tommers planetkameraserie for toppspilleren. Den er større enn 1/3-tommer og har høyere oppløsning, og er mer egnet for astronomi-entusiaster.

Hovedhiten til Neptune-serien er Neptune-C II, ja, du leste riktig. Vi ga direkte ut andregenerasjons Neptune-modellen med den begrunnelse at planen ikke kunne holde tritt med endringene.

Foruten den lyseste stjernen Neptune-C II, lanserer vi også andre to høyt priste modeller Neptune-C og Neptune-M.


Neptune-C er et planetarisk kamera utviklet av Player One Astronomy, som tar i bruk Sony IMX178 1/1,8 -formatsensoren . Pikselstørrelsen på 2,4 um rommer en brønndybde på 15ke med totalt 6,4 MP (oppløsningen er 3096*2078) , og diagonalen er 9 mm .

Neptune-C (IMX178 fargesensor) trenger ikke å fremheve sin infrarøde følsomhet (sammenlignet med IMX464 infrarød følsomhet, er poenget med IMX178 veldig lavt). Så, vi legger et UV IR-kuttet beskyttelsesglass i Neptune-C, gir deg en ren, ekte fargeverden.


Med en 1/1,8 tommers sensor er Neptune-serien veldig egnet for sol- og månemosaikkfotografering.

Connecting the Neptune-C camera to a telescope with an 1.25″ T-Mount, or adding a Barlow lens between the camera and a telescope to extend the focal length for more details.

With a CS lens attached on the Neptune-C camera,it can be used as an all-day camera or meteor monitoring camera.


The naming of Player One Astronomy cameras is unique. For example, we name the planetary cameras after planets (They are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Earth is not included). The size of each planet to a certain extent, represents the size of camera sensors. We will name Saturn with a 1-inch sensor camera, and for Neptune, we will named it with a 1/1.8 inch senor camera. All names will be engraved on the housing of the cameras.

Drivers and softwares download:

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Cutting-edge Design

The planetary cameras developed by Player One Astronomy uses a scientific and technological regular hexagon to construct the main body line, supplemented by round chamfers to achieve both rigidity and flexibility. The positive red, which is like a summer fire, is matched with the low-key and steady black, and the super-fine frosting process on the entire surface makes the camera look luxurious and cool, highlighting the style of high-end players, can’t take my eyes off �

Sensor Tilt Plate

When taking solar photograph with prominence telescope, the Newton ring is annoying. Smoother solar image without Newton ring could be taken by adjusting the focal plate. Besides, when you use a planetary camera for deep-sky lucky imaging, if you find the surrounding stars are not perfect, you can adjust the sensor tilt plate to obtain a flatter image field. get a much smaller field curvature of the telescope.

The built-in high-density sponge shading pad can block the light from the side slits without any side leakage.

256M DDR3 Cache

Player One Astronomy cameras are the first one who adpots the DDR3 cache in all planetary cameras in the world! It helps stabilize and secure data transmission, it effectively avoids frame dropping and greatly reduces readnoise.

With the DDR3 cache, the camera does not have high demands on computing needs any longer, it will still has excellent performance even if it is connected to a USB 2.0 port.

DPS technology

The planetary cameras from Player One Astronomy have DPS (Dead Pixel Suppression) technology. The DPS is anaylse many dark frames to find out thoes fixed abnormal pixel and record the map in camera memory. In imaging, each exposure frames, thoes position of dead pixels will be given a median value according to the active pixels around that abnormal pixel.

Overvoltage and overcurrent protection mechanism

Player One cameras produced by the number one player ensures the safety of your camera and other equipment through overvoltage and overcurrent protection mechanisms.

Data Port

When the camera is connected to the USB3.0 interface and full-resolution preview is used, it can reach 93 FPS in RAW8 mode (10bit ADC). When recording images, since the actual writing speed will be affected by the writing speed of the hard disk itself, when the hard disk writing speed is slow, the recording may not reach the theoretical speed. It is recommended that you use a high-quality solid state drive to record data to give full play to the performance of the camera.

Use the ST4 guide cable to connect the camera and the AUTO GUIDE port of the equatorial mount to do guiding.


Readout Noise

Når det gjelder avlesningsstøy, lover vi høytidelig at alle verdier er hentet fra faktiske tester. Og for brukere kan du bruke Sharpcap 4 for testing. SC4 har en funksjon kalt Sensor Analysis , gir en veldig enkel måte å teste utlesingsstøy.

Vi skrev en veiledning på nettstedet vårt:

Etter mange strenge avlesningsstøytester kan Neptune-C-kameraet nå en lav avlesningsstøy på 1,34e med en forsterkning på 350.

Hvis du er interessert i avlesningsstøytesting, kan du prøve det selv, noe som er veldig enkelt.


Neptune-kameraet har en unik HCG-modus, som automatisk slås på når kameraets forsterkningsinnstilling er >30. HCG-modusen kan redusere avlesningsstøyen betraktelig og beholde samme høye dynamiske område som lav forsterkning.

Mekanisk tegning

185,97 kr
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PostNord Hjemlevering
222,23 kr
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174,28 kr
Takk for din bestilling Produktene er solgt uten mva fra AstroArt Finland, når de kommer til Norge får du betale norsk mva. Levering til Europa innen 4 til 6 dager.
